Ali Bashiri -- member of the Islamic Republic's coordination committee on the terroristie operations outside the country -- arrived in Paris as the new Iran Air's manager.

Ali Bashiri, the new manager of Iran Air in Paris is a member of the Islamic Republic's Pasadran (the Islamic Republic's parallel military troop). For the past several years, he was a coordinator for the terrorist operation of Iranian regime outside the country. In spite of his terrorist activities in some European countries especially in Austria, the French government welcomed him as the new manager of Iran Air in Paris.

The arrival of the first Islamic republic's terrorist group in Paris after Ali Bashiri's new position.

Last week, right after a discussion with Mojeeri (the head of SAVAMA -- the Islamic Republic's secret police -- in France) and Ali Bashiri, the coordination committee for the terrorist operations outside the country, headquartered in Intelligent ministeri in Tehran, send a team of three to Paris. The last member of the team of three terrorists arrived in Paris on Oct. 13, 1997. Once again, Islamic republic amis to assassinate the members of Iranian opposition outside the country.

We would like to warn all Iranian opposition to take all precaution measure to safeguard their lives. All opposition groups have to realize that French government will not take any action against these terrorists because France has just signed a huge contract with Iran.

Organization of Iranian People Fadaii Guerrillas (OIPFG)

Oct. 15, 1997