Long live May 1, the International Workers Day
About the military invasion of Ukraine by Russia
The participation of the European Union representative in taking oath ceremonies of Ebrahim Raisi as the most criminal and murderous president of Iran
Handing over the Kish Island to China and the continuation of looting of national wealth by the regime of the Islamic Republic of Iran has astonished the world.
Long live Forty-second anniversary of the uprising of February 1978 and the 50th anniversary of the Epic of Siahkal
The 25 Year Contract of Islamic Republic with China
Long live May 1, International Workers’Solidarity Day
Happy thirty sixth anniversary of the uprising in February 1979 and forty fourth anniversary of the Siahkal’s epic (Day of the foundation of the Organization of the People of Iran Guerrillas - OGFPI)
Long Live the May first, the International Workers Day
The so called defenders of Human Rights back religious fascism
May 1st, International Workers Day
May 1st, International Workers' Day